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Have a look at our latest news:

IMPETUX releases Deimus T-10i into the market!

IMPETUX releases Deimus T-10i into the market!

The IMPETUX team is glad to announce the launch of the entry-level optical force measurement system: Deimus T-10i. As a result of our continuous development activity we are proud to present our new T series system for Optical Tweezers Do you want to multiply the...

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Here you will find our upcoming and past events

Cytoskeleton Day in Paris

Cytoskeleton Day in Paris

IMPETUX will be present at the Cytoskeleton Day,  hold on November  10, 2020  in Paris.

We will be sharing interesting data acquired with SENSOCELL, the unique optical tweezers platform for mechanobiology, with a short talk at 11:15 h
If you are interested in our latest developments and applications of SENSOCELL, do not hesitate to join us!

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