Capturing the complex active and passive material state of the cytoplasm using optical tweezers:


Here, we share an interesting preprint from Dr. Betz’s group at the Center for Molecular Biology of Inflammation from the Münster University and the Third Institute of Physics – Biophysics from the Georg August University Göttingen (Germany), entitled “Intracellular softening and fluidification reveals a mechanical switch of cytoskeletal material contributions during division”.

In this work, the authors use optical tweezers to show intracellular softening, fluidification and decrease of active forces in mitosis that is mediated by a surprising role switch between microtubules and actin.

They could capture the complex active and passive material state of the cytoplasm using optical tweezers-based microrheology together with our Force Sensor module.

You can have a look at the details of the results obtained and conclusions here

Enjoy the reading!

Congratulations to the authors !


📌The Force Sensor module is part of our SENSOCELL optical tweezers platform and is based upon IMPETUX’s exclusive patented technology that gives direct access to the force applied by the tweezers on any trapped object, even in cells, without previous calibration.

If you want to know more about the capabilities of the SENSOCELL and how it can help you in your research, do not hesitate to contact us